Sunday, August 31
A Cautionary Tale
Saturday, August 30

- I have a fear of being stabbed
- I have a fear of taking showers when no one is home
- I have a fear of vacuuming when no one is home
- I am usually in a state of undress when at home, leaving me vunerable to attackers
They may sound strange, but they all make sense. The first is obvious - being stabbed sucks. If you take a shower when no one is home, you are completely defenseless; you're naked, you're wet, you may have soap on your face or in your hair or in your eyes, you're trapped in the shower with no way out, you can't hear anything. Same goes for vacuuming. Well, you're not wet, but if you're me, you ARE naked - or very near naked. And like most people, I hate being startled, because I lack any defensive reflexes. I just scream and stand there frozen.
So, I'm downstairs (in underwear) doing the laundry. I'm loading up the washing machine with clothes and the water is running. Suddenly, without warning, a man flies out at me from the doorway. My reaction is to cover my breasts and scream. It was my husband. In response to my reaction he asked, "Is that your defense?"
Please add doing laundry to my list of fears.
Friday, August 29
Itchy Throat?
- The time of year
- I keep forgetting to take my Claritin
- My work location (a.k.a in the midst of farm animals)
- It's windy and stupid outside
For those of you who don't have allergies, you are blessed. They really are one of the most annoying things to happen to a person. Allergies, the kind like mine, are just irritating enough to disturb everyday life. I wake up in the morning with an itchy throat - and the only way to itch the inside of one's throat is to rub your tongue all along the roof of your mouth. I hate doing this action because it makes a yucky glucky sound (and sometimes you gag) but there isn't really another way. And when your throat is itching like crazy, you'll do anything.
Then, of course, the eyes start to itch. If I'm wearing makeup I just rub by the tear duct, or sometimes scratch the bottom eyelid. But if I'm not, I just rub my eyes until they're good and red. Then I use an ice cube to cool and soothe them.
And all the while, I'm sniffing. My nose isn't really stuffy or runny, it just doesn't feel regular, so I sniff constantly throughout the day. I don't believe in nose blowing because it doesn't help the situation; you're simply relocating snot to the part of your nose where it is visible. I'd rather keep the snot in my nose and away from my face. Plus, that red/irritated nose look is not cute.
So, if you see me gagging while rubbing my eyes and sniffing, it's allergy season.
Thursday, August 28
Change We Can Believe In

Wednesday, August 27
I Don't Grate Cheese

Tuesday, August 26
You Were Born Today
Monday, August 25
That Was Completely Useless

- Raise your hand when you hear me whisper
- Read aloud the smallest font you can see
- Read aloud this short story
- Look for the numbers in colored circles to prove you're not color blind
- Pee in this cup and then dispose of the urine yourself (ewww)
- Wait, wrapped in a paper gown, for 30 minutes
- Breathe in and out through your mouth
- Say "Ahhhh"
- Check your reflexes (which seem a little slow...)
- Stand on your toes
- Stand with your feet together, close your eyes, and then raise your arms
You may now return to work.
Saturday, August 23
Have a Baby

Friday, August 22
Get Lost

Thursday, August 21
Can't Talk Now...I'm Working

Tuesday, August 19
I'm a Nerd

Monday, August 18
Rollers, Rollers, Rollers

Sunday, August 17
It's Cold In Here

Saturday, August 16

Friday, August 15

Thursday, August 14
Back in the Saddle

Wednesday, August 13
Pick Your Pick
I think it's time for me to start using anti-aging/anti-wrinkle/SPF moisturizer. I'm 25. It's never too early to start delaying looking old. Lately I've noticed a few little dark spots (possibly *gasp* age spots) around my eyes and on the apples of my cheeks. I must confess, I have some bad face-care habits. See confession:
- I only wash my face when I shower
- I only shower every couple of days (no, I don't stink...)
- I touch/squish/pick my face too much
- I am hard on my eye skin (i.e., I use a q-tip daily to remove mascara leftovers)
- I smile a lot - not necessarily "bad" but it does make wrinkles
- I don't moisturize my neck, which is now getting a few wrinkles
- I wear sunglasses religiously to fight crows feet
- I moisturize
- I use sensitive skin face wash
- I use blackhead removing nose strips
- I stay out of the sun and I use SPF 50 sunscreen
- I'm Asian
Tuesday, August 12
LOL Laundry

Monday, August 11
When I first started hearing about "Mamma Mia!" (exclamation point built into the title) I was instantly interested because of my intense love of ABBA. However, I never saw the Broadway version, so imagine my excitement when Hollywood made the musical into a movie. My "mamma" and I went to see it today - it was great great great!!!
The following songs made it into the movie; lots of classics and even some B sides. You can preview the soundtrack here. If you don't know these songs, please go out and buy an ABBA CD immediately or go see the movie or you could watch "Muriel's Wedding," as you are missing out on something fantastic.
- Honey, Honey
- Money, Money, Money
- Mamma Mia
- Dancing Queen
- Chiquitita
- Our Last Summer
- Lay All Your Love On Me
- Super Trouper
- Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
- The Name of the Game
- Voulez-Vous
- Does Your Mother Know
- Slipping Through My Fingers
- The Winner Takes It All
- When All is Said and Done
- Take a Chance on Me
- I Have a Dream
- Thank You for the Music
Sunday, August 10
How Cold Is It?

Saturday, August 9
You CAN Go Back in Time

Bad news: I've gone back in time - i.e.: I've got no benefits and I've taken a pay cut.
Fucking fabulous. I could explain the very long and arduous process that is "hiring" at my work, but I will spare you because, quite frankly, I'm sick of talking/hearing/thinking about it. I have a job, and for that I'm grateful, but I hate knowing that just 3 short weeks ago, I was something more. If all goes well I can return to my position later this year...cross your fingers, friends.
Friday, August 8
Catch Up On Your Reading

Thursday, August 7
5 Years is Nothing!

Tuesday, August 5
What's Old is New Again

Monday, August 4

Sunday, August 3
My Brain Works, I Think

Unlike many writers, I can't write when things are awry in my personal self. In fact, in order to write I need to BE myself. Perhaps it should have been a sign that amongst our prep for departure, I couldn't write. I told myself that the empty blog was due to stress (which is true) and the weirdness of getting ready (also true) but if I recall correctly, I mentioned that I didn't feel like myself. A person should always find their own person familiar, right?
So, a word of advice, if you feel weird, something is weird. If you can't write, your brain probably isn't working. Mine is functioning properly now. I'm back in action and as I am currently unemployed, expect some really exciting posts (insert sarcasm....oh yeah, I'm totally back to normal).