Eat for Thanksgiving. Yes,
Friday, October 31
Eat for Thanksgiving. Yes,
Wednesday, October 29
The Duchess

Tuesday, October 28
Cough Cough
I cough very gently,
Monday, October 27

Sunday, October 26
Like A Hefty Bag

Saturday, October 25
How to Deal with Stress
- eating, followed by not eating
- sleeping
- grinding my teeth while sleeping
- picking at my hangnails
- tapping my fingers
- staring off into space - mind reeling
- running
- pacing
- clenching my jaw
- putting my hand over my mouth, like I'm horrified
- counting to 5 over and over
- list making
Obviously these are not very effective ways in which to rid one's self of stress or dealing with stress in the present. So, as a backup plan, I have a husband who does much better than me. He usually deals with my stress and his so that I can fret in my own fashion, and he can actually DO SOMETHING. This comes in quite handy.
Friday, October 24
I'm Pushing 'Pushing Daisies'
May I introduce you to Pushing Daisies?

Ta da! What a winner of a show. If this hasn't captured your fancy - watch the "Pie-lette" (how witty!) and see for yourself.
Thursday, October 23
1 and 2

Wednesday, October 22
What's Wrong with Weather?

Tuesday, October 21
A Drinking Problem

Monday, October 20
Saturday, October 18
Late to Work

Friday, October 17
Dead of Night
Thursday, October 16
You're Missing Out
What the fuck, Peace Corps? What is your problem? If you were a person I would speak to you like a child and then yell at you. Then, perhaps I would spit.
You see, about a year or two ago Tom and I tried to go into the Peace Corps to China - and they told us no. And I would like to say that I hate them now, but I know that just comes from the anger at being rejected.
What better than to be a volunteer; spreading the goodwill (the best part) of the United States?

I'm sad for our friend - but you know what, it's the Peace Corps who should be sad. They are missing out on fabulous volunteers; smart, funny, witty, open-minded, and hard working. Missing out.
Wednesday, October 15
A Neeeew Caaaaaar!

Tuesday, October 14
Sweater Shopping

Monday, October 13
So Strong
- possible hunch back (gasp!)
- broken hip
- brittle bones
- inability to jump around
- osteoporosis
Of the cases of osteoporosis in the U.S., 80% are women. Yeah, that's us. See, the tricky thing is that you can't feel your bones unless they're broken. Over the years your bones are slowly deteriorating and you aren't even aware of it - unlike other aging processes like thinning hair, thinning lips, sagging breasts, fine lines, and other gems of a long life.
So, in order to kick this problem out the door, you've got to take some action and you've got to take some calcium and vitamin D. The worse thing for your bones is a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of calcium and vitamin D in your diet. Here is a list of ways I'm going to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis:
- eat almonds (calcium)
- eat dark green leafy veggies like broccoli (calcium)
- enjoy a delicious calcium supplement like Viactiv
- eat tofu (calcium)
- drink calcium fortified orange juice
- get some sun (vitamin D)
- eat egg yolks (vitamin D)
- lift weights
- walk or jog regularly
- climb stairs
- dance
Sounds like fun! Show your bones some love by treating them right so they'll be sure to treat you right for years to come.
Sunday, October 12
Yoga is Yummy

Saturday, October 11
Weather Permitting

Friday, October 10
Food Network

I love Food Network. I mean, I have always loved it because I love to cook and I love food but now it is seriously out of control. When Giada makes yummy eggplant parmesan with crusty garlic bread - I am totally glued to the screen. When Rachel Ray makes mac and cheese - I die inside with craving. My family is getting sick of Food Network being on all the time. They ask me things like "Why do you torture yourself like this?" or "You don't even cook" or "This is so boring" and so on.
Friends. I torture myself because I'm dieting so I'm always torturing myself. I don't cook because cooking veggies sucks ass. Food Network is not boring - it is keeping me from going insane. I'm logging away all the recipes and tricks so that when I'm finally off my stupid diet I can enjoy life like a regular person. I will cook. I will eat delicious food. End of story.
Thursday, October 9
What Are You Reading?

Or maybe you think I'm being a snob (which is usually true) or that I'm being too opinionated but, in my defense, may I point out the following aspects of my character:
- I watch E! Television for fun
- I read books for fun and also often just say "I love this book. It is so good."
- I AM opinionated
- I am forced to blog about said opinions, even if they come off rude/catty/snobbish
And honestly, I was in the Enligsh department, and I really really hated those classmates who said "Oh, I haven't read Harry Potter" or "This summer I've been reading Voltaire and I love it" or other noxious sayings that made me barf into my backpack. Reading should be done for pleasure and sometimes it should be for growth - and it can always be for both.
BUT even if you are reading a fluff book - your brain can function and talk about anything in a constructive-criticism fashion. Do so. Immediately. Or I won't be asking you what you're reading.
Wednesday, October 8
Little Known Facts About My Father

My dad is an interesting guy. Today he called me while I was at the gym. I'm listening to my book on tape and then I hear the phone ringing and I answer it, panting. "Jo," he says. "I made some apple pie" and long story short he invites us over for a piece.
Did you know that my dad can make apple pie from scratch?
Yeah, he can. He also:
- makes yummy breakfasts
- loves dutch oven cooking
- loves to camp
- loves the smell of pine trees
- loves Star Trek
- loves Westerns
- reads Louis Lamour books
- does crossword and sudoku puzzles
- wears polar bear pajamas
- likes to wear cowboy boots
- has a hammock
- is bald
- is a teaser
- loves me no matter what
Tuesday, October 7
Adorable Vegetable

- in a salad
- in a pasta salad
- with Italian dressing
- pickled (also known as a pickle)
- on a sandwich
- a sandwich made of cucumbers
Sunday, October 5
Closed For Business
So everything sounds delicious to eat because you aren't really supposed to eat much - that is the nature of a diet. Sunday means it's weigh-in day and my friend and I have the brilliant idea to not eat (duh) before we weigh in and then after we make our weight for the week we will eat Cafe Rio salads which I will pick up via trip to work. Yum-O!

As I'm falling asleep the night before I realize that I don't need to leave early for work in order to pick up our salads because no one will be in the building to accept my phone call, place my order, make my food, or accept my money. Damn. Foiled again.
Either Cafe Rio is an asshole and they don't want us to eat their salad, or they are trying to help us lose weight. If it's the latter, don't help. I hate "help" with my diet when I'm really really hungry.
Saturday, October 4
Just a Suggestion
Friday, October 3
TV is Scary

Thursday, October 2

Wednesday, October 1
Enter October