Sunday, November 30
Bodies Are Stupid
Saturday, November 29
On the Back
This year when I arrived at my old home for Thanksgiving dinner, my mom brought out 2 pictures, nearly identical. One is of a small baby sitting on the lap of a smiling man in a maroon lazyboy. The other, the same scene, only the baby wears a large grin. As my mom handed them to me, I smiled and made some "oh" sound. But I couldn't talk about the pictures for too long, couldn't say how grateful I was. The pictures immediately began to draw tears up from wherever it is grief hides.
My grandpa's hands, those same true hands, are wrapped around my infant waist, supporting me. His legs are casual, one up on the seat, the other on the floor. Every detail of the picture reminds me of things lost; his hands, his house slippers, the maroon lazyboy he would often fall asleep in (my grandma pointing to him and saying "Pa" to wake him), the soft grin on his face. And saddest of all, on the back of the

It's all quite bittersweet. I love the snapshots so much. He and I had a special relationship; it was always sweet. No anger, nothing ever needed to forgive. The pictures, taken the year I was born, show the beginning of our friendship. He and I together. Grandpa was already retired and he took care of me several days a week through my toddler years. He never made me feel guilty if I was selfish and didn't visit as often as I should. He trusted me with his car when I had just been given my learner's permit. He was infinitely patient with me, with my grandma and her illness, with his own children. He was quiet and loving and intelligent and so wonderful - it's impossible to describe.
So I'm keeping the pictures, but I can't frame them. I'm keeping them in a plastic bag because I like to be able to see the back; the living part of the photo where he wrote our names together.
Thursday, November 27
Give Thanks
Wednesday, November 26
Shopping List

Tuesday, November 25
Needless Turkey Murder Day

Monday, November 24
Female Independence

Sunday, November 23
Something Blue

Saturday, November 22
I Heart Hearts
Friday, November 21

List of unfinished projects (order indicating nothing):
- crochet Mom's quilt from last Christmas before this Christmas
- sew Kenley's baby blanket (who will be 2 in January)
- crochet a co-worker's scarf
- finish piecing the quilt for our bed
- crochet hats and scarves for the homeless
Thursday, November 20
Purse vs. Wallet

- iPhone
- "Duchess of Devonshire"
- Trident Whitening Gum - peppermint flavor
- Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush lip gloss
- headphones
- glasses case (with glasses within)
- sunglasses (not in case)
- throat lozenges
- mirror
- water bottle
- lip liner
- tampon
- iPod Nano
- pen
See? A man could never have this type of convenience - unless he carried a fanny pack - and then he would be shunned by society.
Of course, there are various downsides to having a purse. Namely: you have a bag all the time. You are never as free as "man with wallet" because you are toting on your shoulder "responsibility." My husband likes to use my purse when we go to the movies; as soon as we sit and the lights dim his wallet and keys and receipts and various bits of paper in his pockets become lost in the depths of my purse. And after the movie comes the inevitable digging about for his lost articles. But women don't have the luxury of putting things in their pockets because societal fashion deems women's pants be "hugging" and anything other than a stick of gum will be totally obvious. Also, when you have a purse you keep adding to your load. You think to yourself, "Oh, this will fit, I will just throw this or that in" and next thing you know, lifting your purse causes tennis elbow, engorged biceps, and defined triceps. Another annoyance connected with purses is when the damn thing tips over. My purse does not zip so a tip-over spills the contents all about. It's dreadful.
These negatives associated with purses are small problems that are easily overlooked when you take into account all the freedom purses allow for. When you have a purse you need never worry, as long as it is well stocked and fashionable.
Wednesday, November 19
Scrambled Eggs
- Start your pan on med/low heat
- Add a tab of butter or margarine
- Crack your eggs into a cup
- Break the yolks with a fork
- Whip the eggs until there is no distinction between yolk and white
- Add a little milk
- Dump into the pan
- Add salt and pepper
- Leave the eggs alone until the edges firm up
- Using your spatula/wooden spoon pull the firm edges into the center, allowing the liquidy parts to seep out to the edge of the pan
- Repeat until the eggs are firm but still shiny
Tuesday, November 18

Monday, November 17
The Toilet Seat

Sunday, November 16
Half a Pound
Saturday, November 15
8s Tag
- Scary movies
- Spiders
- Mirrors in a dark room
- Tom's death
- Nightmares you can't wake up from
- Vacuuming while home alone
- Childbirth
- Falling from a great height
8 Favorite Movies
- Pulp Fiction
- Fight Club
- Marie Antoinette
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Closer
- Moulin Rouge
- Lost in Translation
- Clue
8 Pet Peeves
- Women with mustaches
- Panty lines
- Nose breathers
- Dirty fingernails
- Bad dye jobs
- Ear and nose hair
- Pit stains
- Crumbs on the counter
8 Favorite TV Shows
- Friends (duh)
- Sex and the City (duh, again)
- Bones
- Battlestar Galactica
- Damages
- Pushing Daisies
- Entourage
- The Closer
8 Favorite Restaurants
- Mimi's Cafe
- Mee Kong Cafe
- Olive Garden
- Happy Sumo
- Rumbi
- Taco Time
- Cafe Rio
- Rubio's
8 Things That Happened Yesterday
- I took a shower
- I went to work
- I was bored
- I packed a pot pie for Tom's lunch
- I had a meeting
- I was paid overtime
- I walked
- Kenley called me
8 Things to Look Forward to
- Being thin
- Moving into the new apartment
- Finishing projects (like quilts and blankets and scarves)
- New season of 'Damages'
- Buying furniture
- Writing
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
8 Things On My Wish List
- World travel
- Education
- Fulfillment
- A Wii
- Continued health
- A pet
- End hunger
- World peace
Friday, November 14
Ruggedly Good
Thursday, November 13

- laundry
- dishes
- tidy up the bedroom
- make the bed
- blogging
So to save myself I went to Target and shopped around. I bought some discount shirts. Yay. Sometimes I hate my days off because I get incredibly bored even if I have plenty of things to do. Does this happen to anyone else?
Wednesday, November 12
Making the Bed

Tuesday, November 11
- brisk walk for 5 minutes
- up the incline and up the speed
- continue upping the speed and incline
- then, drop the incline and start running
- run for a long time
- then jog uphill
- then run full speed uphill
- then run around the gym (we usually skip that part)
- now walk fast uphill
- do jumping jacks
- skip
- walk
- now die
Doesn't that sound lovely? Yeah, not so much. I really hate the class, but it does what it's supposed to - that is, kick ass - so we keep going. Twice a week. Bleh.
Monday, November 10
I'm Glad It's Raining
It is difficult to see the positive side of a cold, rainy morning, but it is possible. Don't you think it would be worse to step into a pile of frozen flakes rather than a cold puddle? The snow getting stuck in your shoe and clumping on the hem of your pants. I mean,

And that's why I hate snow. And why I'm glad it's raining.
Sunday, November 9
Sweet Smell

Saturday, November 8
Friday, November 7

Thursday, November 6
Speaking of Legs

- I wear skirts
- I wear tights
- I don't wear shorts
- I wear pants
- I wear high heels
- I wear tube socks at home
See - rather than try to hide my stumpy legs, I try to show them off in cutesy ways. This makes people associate them with "little" or "child-like" or "adorable" rather than seeing them as "unremarkable." Perhaps in a future life I will have the legs to be a model or a ballerina, but in the meantime I will settle for using what I've got to the best of my ability.
Wednesday, November 5
President Elect

Thank you.
Tuesday, November 4
Sunday, November 2
Fall Back
- Stay up late
- Make a mistake
- Fix it when the hour repeats itself
Or you could just use the hour to sleep a little longer, dream an extra dream, or work on the project you just "haven't found time for." Time is giving itself to us. And while time is usually considered the enemy - always marching forward, robbing us of our lives, our loved ones, our memories - once a year it falls prey to the rules of man.