Monday, December 15

Attack of the Christmas Treats

Why is it that even when everyone is busy shopping and wrapping and, in general, running around like mad people, they still find time to buy or bake delicious goodies and throw them in front of innocent passers-by?

Please stop. My willpower is only so strong and I cannot, day after day, continue to ignore yummy food everywhere I go. Where does this tradition come from? Is it because this is the time of year of excess? The time when we all celebrate our good fortune for the past year and indulge in treats and presents and give gifts and spend lots of money? And what better way to show our collective success than to gain weight? It's like in 'Fiddler on the Roof' when Topal wants a wife with 3 double chins to show how rich he is. We are all working towards our figurative (or actual) double chin during the holidays. Look at us - we can eat whatever we want! We're so prosperous! Look at all the excess!

I say: stop all the waste, stop all the unhealthy trains of treats upon treats. Instead, let's feed the hungry and not feed ourselves. We've eaten enough. Instead of sharing our good fortune with others of good fortune, let's bake goodies and buy presents for those less fortunate than ourselves. Plus, this way we can share in the holiday joy of weight loss rather than the hated holiday weight gain.

Happy holidays for all!

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