Wednesday, January 21

'Finished' List

You know what I should do?

I should start a list of all the books that I read each year -- because I can't tell you how many times I would like to brag about what a wide and diverse selection of books I have completed and am unable to pull from the dregs of my memory the titles of said books. And that way I can keep track of books I loved or hated or didn't finish. Yes, I will even keep track of the ones I don't finish. I think I'll buy one of those "book journals" in which you write the title, author, and a little blurby blurb about 'your feelings.' What a good idea.

So, go list go.


Tasha said...

As for blogging, you can put that on your "to do" list:)

Foreign Thoughts said...

You should read "Loving Frank" and "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time" if you haven't already. Loving Frank - great writing, great story. The curious incident narrator is TOTALLY Camden in a few years....eery how alike they are.

Nathaniel said...