Thursday, February 18

Snowed In

Obviously I am not snowed in.

I have been thinking a lot about what it would be like to be snowed in like the folks back east. Their entire world has come to a halt. No metro, no driving, no going to work or school, or really even much shopping -- because how can you go to the store when you can't get there and it isn't open? I think it would be tremendous fun. No one wants to go out in the snow anyway, when it does snow, so why not be forced to stay indoors? Then you don't have to fight your way to work or dress like an eskimo or get slushy shit on your tights. As long as I had food and fun at the house I think I could be quite content. It would force me to do all the things I never get around to. For example:

Watch TV shows I've been meaning to but don't
Organize the mail
Type letters to the outside world and mail them once free
Write and write and write
Get drunk with my husband
Take baths together
Bake cookies and cakes
Have a candlelit dinner for 3 (me, Tom, puppy)
Read all the books on the nightstand
Try on all my clothes
Call everyone in my phone
Play monopoly and FINISH the game
Make love on the counter

Doesn't that sound like tremendous entertainment? However, this fun won't ever happen because we live in Utah where the snow is no-biggy and we have multi-million dollar snow removal systems in place. But it's nice to dream about a big book, endless movies, and a warm blanket to share while the world turns to white outside.


Jennifer Nikole said...

tried it on the counter...not as fun as you would think and you two don't have much counter space...

Kat said...

When I saw this on the news, I too wished it had happened here. I thought about how peaceful it would be to sit by a fire while the world outside fell silent. If only!