What follows is a totally benign conversation between me, my husband, and my sister-in-law on MSN messenger. I was on the laptop and he was at the desktop but we were in the same room. Tasha was at her own house.
Tasha says:
Kellie is going to come down around noon tomorrow so we can go sledding if anyone wants to come
Johanna says:
like, at your dad's?
Tasha says:
or at a real place, cause it was warm and Dad said his hill is deteriorating quickly
Tom says:
Johanna says:
Tasha says:
I commented about my dad's bday a while back and said at least if you are going to lie about your birthday, Go Younger!
Tom says:
Johanna says:
that's funny
Johanna says:
stop that
Tasha says:
What are your plans today and tomorrow
Johanna says:
i went to tai pan with my mom today and i got this great mirror for the living room for $35
Tasha says:
I love tai pan!
Johanna says:

and then we're going to see a movie later
Johanna says:
and tomorrow i've got lunch with my college roommate
Johanna says:
and then dinner with jonah wright
Tasha says:
Johanna says:
and then a movie with my work friends
Johanna says:
yeah, haley
Tasha says:
Aren't you coming to Ken's party?
Johanna says:
what time is it at?
Tasha says:
Johanna says:
oh, we can still go
Johanna says:
lunch is early and the dinner is at like 7
Tasha says:
and the movie is a midnighter... I guess...our days end at 7, lol
Johanna says:
lol - the movie's at 10:30
Johanna says:
Tasha says:
Kenley helped me clean the house last night til amost 930 and it is still a huge mess!
Tasha says:
so when you guys come over, just look past the disgusting mess
Johanna says:
how dirty can your house be?
Tasha says:
I have been in pain all week with the endo, and Aaron worked 6 days in a row...
Johanna says:
Tasha says:
It's probably the worst it has ever been since we moved in
Tasha says:
I am going to take some ibuprofen and lay down, talk to ya later... take care
Johanna says:
okay- see you tomorrow
Tasha says:
Tom says:
Tasha says:
Tasha has left the conversation.Oh god. I laughed until I cried. Tom told me that he was just going to keep saying "penis" until she responded - but Tasha, being his sister and having grown up with his obssessive antics, just ignored him until the very end. And promptly logged off. I
love my family.