Wednesday, April 6


My birthday is coming up.

For the most part, I'm one of those insanely happy, content people that smiles all the time and laughs heartily when entertained. And I have an insanely happy, content life that makes me smile all the time and laugh heartily every day. That said, I cannot let my happiness make me complacent because with complacency comes unhappiness and stagnation. I intend to always strive to improve myself (a la Julia Child) and learn new things and meet my trials head on. One thing that I hate about myself (well, hate it too strong a word, and in reality I sort of love the fact that I'm a little spacey because for most other parts of my life I am ordered, reliable, and responsible) is that I suck at follow through. I blame my seeming inability to finish projects or meet goals on being an Aries (and when I say "Aries"  I mean that I don't believe in astrology at all and I'm simply using it as a scapegoat ... a role it has been given for centuries). But. I'm fighting all those urges and making a concerted effort to finish what I start and accomplish goals.

I will not begin any other craft projects until the following are complete:
  • Kenley's Baby Blanket: She turned four this year. I intend to either make the quilt myself or turn over the materials -- whichever is preferred.
  • Mom's Afghan: I started this about 2 years ago and it is very close to completion. I will give it to her for Mother's Day THIS YEAR.
  • Blue Bedroom Quilt: This beautiful quilt is also almost complete. All the squares are already sewn into rows; all I need do is sew the rows together, back, and bat it.
  • Picnic Quilt: Lowest priority. I bought the material at Christmas and haven't touched it. I will continue NOT touching it until the above projects are taken care of.

Graduate School
I am hoping to be enrolled in the MBA program in the fall. However, in order for that to happen I need to apply and be accepted. I also need to take the GMAT. So.
  1. First things first. I will buy a GMAT study book before the end of the week.
  2. I will take the GMAT before May.
  3. I will have my application complete and submitted before the end of May.
I will meet with my mom once a week and work on writing her story.
I will write one poem per month.
I will continue to blog regularly.
I will read voraciously.

I will walk the puppy every day, weather permitting.
I will eat healthy foods in appropriate portions.
I will exercise.
I will improve my correspondence.
When my square footage allows, I will play the piano every day.
Before I die, I will learn to play the cello.

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